We've made an app, monerium.app, to showcase the power of Monerium onchain fiat infrastructure to web3 pioneers. Get an IBAN for your web3 wallet and unlock instant SEPA payments between your wallet and any bank account.
To ensure the integrity and trust within our community, the app is now invite-only. This also allows us to grow our community organically and ensure that every member is genuinely interested and aligned with our values and goals.
Get an invite linkIf a traditional bank account suffices for you, stick to the banks. But if you're a part of the web3 revolution, Monerium onchain fiat is made for you.
The Monerium web3 IBAN is available for individuals and companies in the European Economic Area, the UK, and Switzerland.
You will need an invite from a user with an active Monerium account.
Yes, I'm good No, I'm not eligible 😱The approved user needs to go to "Invites" in the sidebar of the Monerium app. Copy one of the invites and share it with you.
Note! Each invite can only be used once
When you follow the link you got from your friend, your profile unlocks, and you can submit your application.
When your profile is approved, you become a part of our community. Not only will you get your IBAN for your Web3 wallet, but you will also receive your own three invite codes to share the experience with your friends.
We are starting in Europe, but rest assured, we will add more jurisdictions later.
Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates, we will be adding more ways for you to unlock the app without an invite. In the interim, visit https://monerium.dev to begin building the services that will empower the next wave of web3 users.
Your entry into Monerium's world is not a matter of 'if' but 'when'. Stay tuned!