Euro payment gateway for your platform

We are your crypto-asset friendly on- and off ramp for euro transfers between bank accounts and blockchain wallets.

Use our gateway to accept euro payments minted directly on-chain as fully authorized EURe tokens.

            // Require API key
        const monAuth = API { 
        // Create order
        const order = submit order.create ({
          amount: 1000,
          currency: 'EURe',
          source: 'IBAN'

Integrate through our simple API and you are up and running within a week.

There is no setup fee and no hidden cost.

We speak Web3

We are a blockchain first fintech company. Let’s bridge the gap between #TradFi and #DeFi.

We are an authorized EMI in Europe

Monerium is the first Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licensed to issue fiat currencies onto blockchains. We are authorized in the 27 European Union Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Real time payment notifications

Receive REST API notification on all payment activity. You will be notified when money is minted or burned from your wallet as soon as payments are cleared in the SEPA network.

Onboard a single entity

Your customers can use your Monerium IBAN - which is connected to your wallet - to receive and send euros on-chain. Only your platform is on-boarded as a client of Monerium.

Simple pricing plan

Early bird special
  • 1 free IBAN for EUR payments
  • Integration assistance
  • 0.5% SEPA transaction fee
  • Featured as a premium partner


  • How long does it take for EURO bank transfers to be issued to our walletAll brank transfer follow the SEPA guidelines and as soon as the payment is received to your IBAN account it's automatically issed on chain instantly.
  • Which blockchains do you support?Today we fully support Ethereum mainnet and Polygon. We also have our smart contracts deployed on Ethereum Rinkeby testnet and Polygon Mumbai testnet. If you want to read more about our smart contracts please visit our Github repo.
  • Where can I read your API documentation?We have a specific developer portal which has our full API doucmentation and examples on how to integrate and develop against our API. You can also use our Sandbox while you get everything in order as it's setup exacltly like our production enviroment.

Ready to take the next step?

Please fill out this very short form and our onboarding team will get back to you as soon as possible

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